City of Wyoming Clean Water Plant - Stage 2 Improvements

Wyoming, Michigan



TOTAL COST: $4,900,000
 SUPERVISION: Matt Baker, Project Manager and Greg Fowler, Site Foreman

A city's clean water plant needs to be powered and running at all times. The key challenge with the city of Wyoming's Clean Water Plant project was near-zero shutdown time.  Not an easy task for a facility that pumps out twenty-four million gallons of water daily.

The $36 million expansion included a new generator/switchgear building, a new blower building and aeration basins, and a new RAS/WAS (Return Activated Sludge/ Waste Activated Sludge)building.  A smooth implementation would mean careful planning, prep, and staging for 25 miles of conduit, 86 miles of wire and an impressive new power configuration that included primary feed paralleling, switchgear and a massive four mega-watts of generator power.*

 The result was an on-schedule implementation. It was a clean, even artistic, execution of conduit and wire that culminates in the pipe gallery under the blower building. But the real result was a very satisfied team of professionals at the Wyoming plant. This was a tough challenge successfully preformed. Parkway was excited to add it to an already-impressive portfolio.
* This is enough power to run over 550 homes maxed out.


  • Title: City of wyoming clean water plant - stage 2 improvements
  • Location: Wyoming, michigan
  • Phase: Complete